Submit Parent Testimonials
Update: 24th May 2021
Last year my little guy’s oxalates were 1177 ~The highest our MAPS doctor had ever seen. We have officially completed one full year of ACC and with a combined low oxalate diet we just retested our OATS test. His oxalates dropped from 1777 to 361! He’s still a little high (you want under 165) but we are thrilled! He’s also now in normal range for yeast and fungal, his mito dysfunction has drastically improved and he’s now absorbing his vitamins and minerals. EVERYTHING has improved thanks to ACC! I see my child healing in front of my eyes every day now. His speech, imagination, socialization, have all taken off. And to see the positive test results on paper has solidified this protocol for us. 
More about our story: Our kiddo was diagnosed at 14 months old with level 2 autism after a heartbreaking regression. He lost all words, all babbling, and all eye contact. He was not present, wouldn’t wave, point, or play with toys correctly. He was obsessed with rolling wheels slowly by his face and pacing back and forth eyes glazed over. He cried all the time. He didn’t care if I was on the floor with a new toy trying to play. He was lost, unengaged. when I would go to get him out of his crib he would just sit there and not even look up at me. Today my 2.5 year old is completely different. I can easily say that ACC has saved my child from autism. I have no doubt he would lose his diagnosis if we got him evaluated right now. His personality is so animated and bright. He’s silly and happy. He points, reaches up to be held, waves "Hi" and "Bye", blows kisses, gives hugs, understands everything for his age level. He knows and says all body parts, knows and says his colors, shapes, alphabet, numbers up to 20. He sings songs and yes he talks. He has so many words I lost count. He repeats words he hears us say, tells us his needs and wants, uses two or three words together , and he’s starting to say more frequent sentences, like“ I want more ____ please” and “I love you”. He has sympathy. If he sees someone cry on tv he pouts and says “sad”. He saw a boo boo on dads arm and kissed it and said “all better”. He saw me cry once and he started to cry and laid his head in my lap. He plays pretend with his toys, he feeds and rocks his stuffed animals. He holds my hand when we go places instead of running off aimlessly. He looks into my eyes, straight into my soul. He’s always looking at my face for reactions to see if I’m laughing too or if I saw what he saw. He loves animals, and he loves other children. He's stronger now physically and much more coordinated. We did a few sessions of speech therapy about 6 months ago and it was a waste of money for us. He wasn’t ready. He wasn’t healed enough. Now I don’t think he needs it all. He’s never done aba therapy and now I don’t think he will ever need it. This protocol has been a game changer, a life saver!
Sara - Son Age 2.5
More about our story: Our kiddo was diagnosed at 14 months old with level 2 autism after a heartbreaking regression. He lost all words, all babbling, and all eye contact. He was not present, wouldn’t wave, point, or play with toys correctly. He was obsessed with rolling wheels slowly by his face and pacing back and forth eyes glazed over. He cried all the time. He didn’t care if I was on the floor with a new toy trying to play. He was lost, unengaged. when I would go to get him out of his crib he would just sit there and not even look up at me. Today my 2.5 year old is completely different. I can easily say that ACC has saved my child from autism. I have no doubt he would lose his diagnosis if we got him evaluated right now. His personality is so animated and bright. He’s silly and happy. He points, reaches up to be held, waves "Hi" and "Bye", blows kisses, gives hugs, understands everything for his age level. He knows and says all body parts, knows and says his colors, shapes, alphabet, numbers up to 20. He sings songs and yes he talks. He has so many words I lost count. He repeats words he hears us say, tells us his needs and wants, uses two or three words together , and he’s starting to say more frequent sentences, like“ I want more ____ please” and “I love you”. He has sympathy. If he sees someone cry on tv he pouts and says “sad”. He saw a boo boo on dads arm and kissed it and said “all better”. He saw me cry once and he started to cry and laid his head in my lap. He plays pretend with his toys, he feeds and rocks his stuffed animals. He holds my hand when we go places instead of running off aimlessly. He looks into my eyes, straight into my soul. He’s always looking at my face for reactions to see if I’m laughing too or if I saw what he saw. He loves animals, and he loves other children. He's stronger now physically and much more coordinated. We did a few sessions of speech therapy about 6 months ago and it was a waste of money for us. He wasn’t ready. He wasn’t healed enough. Now I don’t think he needs it all. He’s never done aba therapy and now I don’t think he will ever need it. This protocol has been a game changer, a life saver!
Sara - Son Age 2.5
My daughter was diagnosed with Autism at the age of 2 years and half. Although it was a little bit hard for the doctors to give the diagnosis, because she had some strengths, they agreed that she was on the spectrum. That explained why some behaviors were unusual in my daughter, things like screaming suddenly, not pointing out, a vocabulary with less than 20 words, ran away suddenly, not following directions, etc now had an explanation, so even though I was devastated it also was the beginning of taking actions.
First thing, she took some therapies PT, ST, OT in 2 different schools but also I found this website and after make my own research and read a lot I decided start with the chelation when she was 3 and a half and since the very first round I saw results, her teachers and therapist noticed an important change in her mood. I still remember that day like if it was today, they reported "today was a different girl, she was happy and was able to stay at the same table with the rest of her peers '', that day was the happiest man in the world because I knew that this was going to be the path.
Now, She is almost 6 and we are in the round 104, we paused the therapy a couple of times. A few days ago we got the annual report from her kindergarten teacher and basically she said that my daughter met all the goals, some of them were exceeded, she is very social, well appreciated by her peers and yeah she is ready for the first grade !. She still has some issues like screaming once in a while, having long conversations, etc but step by step she is getting there. I am very confident that she will get it, thanks to this site I found a path to get my daughter back from wherever she was.
Marcos - Daughter Age 6
First thing, she took some therapies PT, ST, OT in 2 different schools but also I found this website and after make my own research and read a lot I decided start with the chelation when she was 3 and a half and since the very first round I saw results, her teachers and therapist noticed an important change in her mood. I still remember that day like if it was today, they reported "today was a different girl, she was happy and was able to stay at the same table with the rest of her peers '', that day was the happiest man in the world because I knew that this was going to be the path.
Now, She is almost 6 and we are in the round 104, we paused the therapy a couple of times. A few days ago we got the annual report from her kindergarten teacher and basically she said that my daughter met all the goals, some of them were exceeded, she is very social, well appreciated by her peers and yeah she is ready for the first grade !. She still has some issues like screaming once in a while, having long conversations, etc but step by step she is getting there. I am very confident that she will get it, thanks to this site I found a path to get my daughter back from wherever she was.
Marcos - Daughter Age 6
My son is fairly typical child up to the age of 8 then in the summer he swim all the time and we ate buffets, seafoods, Mexican foods then little by little as time passes by within few short months my son would scream more and more often then in new year eve time he would scream like his life was dying and he would tell me he can't stop it he can't control the screaming. He would scream atleast 5 times per day and each time was atleast 30 minutes, the screaming was around the clock, he would even wake up suddenly in deep sleep and scream like hell at 3 am, 5am,7am. Fast forward now he is now at round 63 and he is doing very well, happy kid.
The screaming is 95 percent gone and even if he scream now once in a while his screaming only lasted seconds and not half a hour. I still remember the first day of my son taking ala, I was trying to talk myself out of it because the thought of ala can cross the blood brain barrier scared me off but that moment while I was thinking, my son suddenly scream like his soul was getting pull out of him then I gave him his first dose. If my son never tried ACC he would be in a mental hospital or taking prescription psychotic meds right now. I am so grateful for ACC, Thank you with all my heart.
Jo - Son Age 9
The screaming is 95 percent gone and even if he scream now once in a while his screaming only lasted seconds and not half a hour. I still remember the first day of my son taking ala, I was trying to talk myself out of it because the thought of ala can cross the blood brain barrier scared me off but that moment while I was thinking, my son suddenly scream like his soul was getting pull out of him then I gave him his first dose. If my son never tried ACC he would be in a mental hospital or taking prescription psychotic meds right now. I am so grateful for ACC, Thank you with all my heart.
Jo - Son Age 9
After his 6-9 month vaccines my son slowly started to regress. He had lost his few words, no longer mimicked sounds, had frequent (almost constant) hand stimming/flapping, showed some sensory sensitivity and lived like an expressionless zombie, not interested in toys or other human beings, often isolating himself. He no longer followed directions and wouldn't always respond when his name was called. After he turned 15 months old, my husband and I decided to stop vaccinating and found ACC. We put him on a dairy free, gluten free, and somewhat low thiol diet, but because of his last shot, we couldn't start chelating till he was 18 months. A month into his new diet, it was as if the fog was starting to clear. His blank face expression went away, he was slightly more aware of his surroundings, and everyone in my family noticed a difference. However, around that time we also received the results for his hair test, which "screamed Mercury." At 18 months he was still considered moderate/high risk of having autism and his pediatrician recommended he be retested at 2 yrs old. Clearly, we weren't going to wait that long. We started the first round a week after he turned 18 months and 24 hours in, he picked up a stacking toy and for the first time, stacked it up on his own without help or prompt, something he couldn't do the day before. He began babbling like he used to when he was 5 months old, and started mimicking sounds again. Although yeast symptoms came and went, the improvements kept coming and staying. It has been a year since we started and we've done 20 rounds spread out with several breaks. At 30 months old, our son is thriving. He says hundreds of words with great diction and clarity, plays with toys appropriately, gently kisses, hugs and interacts with his infant sister, he plays and makes jokes with his grandparents, aunts and uncles, and he can follow multiple step instructions. He sings several nursery rhymes, independently feeds himself with a spoon or fork, drinks out of a cup without spilling, and puts on his slippers. He can sit still for almost an hour when being read poems with pictures or multiple picture books, and is making great improvements in potty training. I thank God for Andy Cutler!! We hope to do double the number of rounds this year in hopes that he can get off his diet restrictions, get rid of his yeast symptoms for good, continue to improve his gross motor, fine motor and coordination skills, and continue on to his full potential. Thank you to everyone who spreads the word and makes ACC possible for families like mine!!!
-Erica Mc, Son 2.5 yo, 20 rounds
-Erica Mc, Son 2.5 yo, 20 rounds
I feel like we need to hear and share more success stories! Its easy to get lost in all of this! And mostly it seems like we come here to ask questions! Well here is our story so far! You can also look my name up in the group and see that I felt hopeless before starting and had no idea where to begin... Well here we are round 10. And the gains have been STAGGERING! -Went from 0 regular words to at least 20 -stimming has decreased incredibly -eye contact is almost completely back -gets sick wayyyyy less -now concerned about others feelings -Paying attention to pets (after vax injury wouldn't really pay any attention to any of our 3 pets) -less meltdowns/easier to recover from tantrums -potty training almost happened over night, whereas he would meltdown if you sat him on a toilet before. -Being more affectionate -comprehension is better by the day -no more toe walking So don't give up hope! I know everyone recovers at different paces, but Holy cow! If you are on the fence, just do it! Our son is coming back to us and I wish I could scream it from the mountain tops!!!!
-H. McCoy ,son 4, 10 rounds (Jan 2019), Started in Nov 2018
-H. McCoy ,son 4, 10 rounds (Jan 2019), Started in Nov 2018
I used the protocol for my son 11 years ago. He was diagnosed with Autism/Asperger’s and even before we finished the first year of chelation I was told by a professor at the Children’s Hospital that she couldn’t say it officially but he’s what they call “recovered autism”. When he was first diagnosed he was so lost inside himself I was making plans to provide care for my child for the rest of his life and now my son just left for college 700 hundred miles away as a normal kid.
-DC, Son now 20 years old, chelated for 2 1/2 years 112 Rounds
-DC, Son now 20 years old, chelated for 2 1/2 years 112 Rounds
We have just finished up "Round 2" of ALA and posting another update to document gains (never seen or heard before progress from Gibson) that have occurred in just the past 72 hours of chelation! Day 1 of the round we took a ride to my oldest daughter's Dr. appt. There was a large 18 wheeler in the lane to the right of us as we sat at the red light. Gibson looked over and said “wow, it’s a biiiig truck!” Usually when we are in the truck he is not observant to what’s going on outside but not today! I also decided to try out a speech therapy kit I had ordered online that helps with teaching how to ask and respond to questions and he did great! Towards the evening Gibson grabbed my hand and led me to the living room and said “come be a horse”, indicating he wanted me to get on all fours so he could crawl on my back and ride around with him. After we were done with horse riding, then he exclaimed “Mommy, shout like a monster”. Often times Gibson and his sister like for me to chase them around the house pretending that I am a monster so I know that is what he meant. After a 30 minutes of playtime, he was ready to take a potty break. Sorry, this may be TMI but I want to track it all... When Gibson then had a bowel movement and it was super dark brown (not black- as that would indicate blood). Based on my research, this is a great sign of metals being excreted. I know to watch for stools getting lighter than the norm, as this would be a sign of stress on the liver but so far so good and the milk thistle is surely helping in that department. Day 2 of the round my husband was traveling for work out of town so he called us on FaceTime in the morning. The first thing Gibson said to him was “Hi Daddy, you at work”. It was almost like a statement but also like a question. This was also new for him to recognize Daddy wasn’t home and indeed he was at work. Day 3 of the round we decided to venture out of the house and packed our prepped chelation syringes in a small ice chest. As we entered Cabela's (Large Big Box type Sports & Outdoors store), Gibson saw the kayaks outside and yelled, "look, a boat for the sea"! I couldn't help but laugh with joy, as these things have never come out of his mouth. As he ran through the doors of the store he kept saying "WOW" looking around the store with excitement like he was seeing for the first time. He ran from place to place pointing out different animal names (from the mounted/stuffed animals) and running through tents stating "look, I'm underneath" and then identified a yellow circular raft and said "this is for rescue". I kept shaking my head in disbelief and am convinced our children have known these words all along, they are just "trapped" in their minds by the metals. So impressed how far we have come and this is just the completion of round 2. We will keep trucking away!
-Amy M., Son 5, Rounds 2
-Amy M., Son 5, Rounds 2
Before ACC my son had started nursery and could make some sounds, not clear for words maybe ten in total. After three rounds ALA he counted to ten clearly out of the blue. He now counts to 20 and recognizes the numbers out of sequence. After 6 rounds he named farm animals and jungle animals. After 9 rounds he more interest in age appropriate books, and mastered the iPad and complex jigsaws and 3D puzzles. His focus and interaction took big leaps and we saw gains in his understanding of commands. Now after 12 rounds his speech is getting clearer he names his colors, trying to repeat phrases 'Bye bye see you soon' and is making great progress in nursery. He plays pat a cake, high five, runs for a hug. We see something new everyday. Can't wait to see further gains in the year ahead. Thank you Andy Cutler rip.
-Suzanne, son 4, 12 rounds in 6 months
-Suzanne, son 4, 12 rounds in 6 months
Today marks the end of round 52 for us, that's one year of ACC for both my ASD son and his 3y10m twin sister who is speech delayed. My children are non-vaxxed; I had 9 amalgams for more than 30 years before I delivered my babies. One thing I say the most is "a year ago my DS was a different child." He was non-verbal, minimal eye contact, not responding to his name, "in his own world," tantrums/meltdowns, minimal desire for social contact, could not answer questions, struggled to hit his goals in ABA, and considered Moderate ASD. After 52 rounds of ACC his eye contact is great, he responds to his name from a different room, answers questions, is engaged with us, loves to play with his sister (a bit inseparable), and has friends in Sunday School. He has ABA 3 hours every day and he is hitting his goal and mastering new material as quickly as they introduce it. ACC is recovering my son! I am so grateful for Jan and Tressie for taking Andrew's information and making it easy for us parents (many of us mercury toxic) to follow to heal our children. Thank you Ladies and thank you Andrew! For all of you sitting on the fence, jump in, join us, you have nothing to loose and everything to gain. Your children deserve it!
-Jen, son, age 3 years 10 months; 1 year, 52 rounds
-Jen, son, age 3 years 10 months; 1 year, 52 rounds
My boy started round 24, Ala 12mg. He's eight and a half years old. We started therapy since 2 years and 8 months old, with more or less progress, but it was difficult to keep him in therapy and not only therapy, always on alert, always on the run. When Sunday came and no therapist came home, I felt it was exhausting me. Now my boy is more aware of what's going on around him, he's quieter, he's looking to play with his big brother, he's more verbal and managed to pass the first semester of school to his powers. It was not always easy, sometimes crying, but I think sometimes because I gave him a big dose of ALA, now at 12 mg it seems ok. Still working with him, I still have to do therapy, but I feel the sun has appeared in my life as well, so I can spend quiet Sundays. Thank God for the day I learned about ALA and Andrew Cutler. I wholeheartedly believe he saved my child. A great researcher of our century who has saved countless children. Have a quiet road in the heavens!
- Violeta, son,8 1/2 years; 5 1/2 months , 24 rounds
- Violeta, son,8 1/2 years; 5 1/2 months , 24 rounds
Success story!!!! I am writing to encourage every parent who is in doubt/scared/confused about starting the ACC protocol to give it a try and just do it; honestly, there is no harm in trying the protocol. So here is my story: My 4-year-old son is on the spectrum (although not diagnosed yet). I've always known something was wrong after he received his 18 months scheduled vaccination but I couldn't pinpoint exactly the problem. A well-spoken and happy child was all of the sudden quiet and very scared of doing anything. We (parents) finally put everything together when he first started preschool. It was September 2016 and I remember the day like it was yesterday. I dropped him at school and the meltdown was REAL. I mean my son was shaking, sweating and screaming on top of his lungs. It took several teachers to pull him from me. I remember going home and thinking to myself that "This isn't normal behavior". That day, I drove to his school earlier (just to spy on him during recess lol), parked in the parking lot and sat in my car just to spy him playing. I was in tears to see my son isolated from his peers during playground time. It was really then that I knew something is wrong with him. I came home that day, did a quick research online and all pointed to Autism and Sensory Processing Disorder. Here are some of the behaviors/symptoms:
Clumsiness; always falling and bumping into things/people
Scared to hold/see almost any toys
Afraid of trying new things.
Does not play with people Extreme speech delay - almost nonverbal
Scared of flushing toilets Scared of noises
Extreme picky eater ( only eats yogurt, baby cereal? and white rice....absolutely nothing else)
Extreme echolalia
Doesn't like change of activities- he will count over and over and over...etc
Unable to recognized people's names
No emotions ( ex- doesn't know when to laugh, smile, cry, scream)
Always screaming when he needs something
Poor safety awareness
Mild strabismus
Extreme fear of pool/water
After a week of preschool, I un-enrolled him and started enrolling him in programs that we felt will help him...example: skill sprout speech and social therapy, go to social activities with him...etc. It was during this time that I started really getting deeper into my research then found this group. After reading the book, I immediately started E4 then ALA. Let me tell Y'all!!! We are now in round 24 and doing a combo rounds (ALA+DMSA). My son, now 4, is a whole new person. In September 2017, we enrolled him in preschool yet again and this time around, he loves school and even takes the school bus ( he cries during the weekend because he wants to go to school). All the things/behaviors/symptoms I listed above are no more or almost gone. He is now almost conversational (and argumentative if I may add lol). He is no longer afraid of toys or trying anything new. He can read and write fluently, very passionate, helpful and protective of his brothers...I mean the list goes on and on. The main area we are working on is his expressive communication...there is no doubt in my mind that he will fully overcome that too. I want to take the opportunity to thank God for leading me to this group! The parents who answered all my questions when I needed clarification. And Dr. Andy for looking after our children. I hope that my story can inspire all and know that there is light after the tunnel no matter where your child falls on the spectrum.
-Ekua A., son, age 4, 24 rounds
Clumsiness; always falling and bumping into things/people
Scared to hold/see almost any toys
Afraid of trying new things.
Does not play with people Extreme speech delay - almost nonverbal
Scared of flushing toilets Scared of noises
Extreme picky eater ( only eats yogurt, baby cereal? and white rice....absolutely nothing else)
Extreme echolalia
Doesn't like change of activities- he will count over and over and over...etc
Unable to recognized people's names
No emotions ( ex- doesn't know when to laugh, smile, cry, scream)
Always screaming when he needs something
Poor safety awareness
Mild strabismus
Extreme fear of pool/water
After a week of preschool, I un-enrolled him and started enrolling him in programs that we felt will help him...example: skill sprout speech and social therapy, go to social activities with him...etc. It was during this time that I started really getting deeper into my research then found this group. After reading the book, I immediately started E4 then ALA. Let me tell Y'all!!! We are now in round 24 and doing a combo rounds (ALA+DMSA). My son, now 4, is a whole new person. In September 2017, we enrolled him in preschool yet again and this time around, he loves school and even takes the school bus ( he cries during the weekend because he wants to go to school). All the things/behaviors/symptoms I listed above are no more or almost gone. He is now almost conversational (and argumentative if I may add lol). He is no longer afraid of toys or trying anything new. He can read and write fluently, very passionate, helpful and protective of his brothers...I mean the list goes on and on. The main area we are working on is his expressive communication...there is no doubt in my mind that he will fully overcome that too. I want to take the opportunity to thank God for leading me to this group! The parents who answered all my questions when I needed clarification. And Dr. Andy for looking after our children. I hope that my story can inspire all and know that there is light after the tunnel no matter where your child falls on the spectrum.
-Ekua A., son, age 4, 24 rounds
On my boys third birthday back in March, he began preschool (before chelation), and he could label objects, and say one prompted sentence, I want _____please. Now, he's like a completely different kid. I am just over the moon happy! My now 3 1/2 year old sons IEP meeting was today. Went better than I ever could have imagined! I had SO much anxiety about it, thought they were going to turn down my request to have him integrated into the "typical" classroom for socialization for at least part of the day. They all said they've noticed huge changes in Jackson, and that he has had an explosion of language this past 7 weeks (summer school until now), little do they know I began this protocol 7 weeks ago! The schools occupational therapist at the meeting said his fine motor skills are now right on track and completely up to par with other kids his age. His speech therapist at the school said she's blown away at how he suddenly speaks in full non prompted sentences and uses unscripted language and greets everyone with a hi or "hi, how you doing you?". They all said they unanimously agree that he should be slowly integrated into the preschool room with typical peers for music and circle time, so he can pick up communication skills from them. The room he's currently in, is great, however the children are all non verbal. And We think he could benefit from spending time with kiddos that could show him how to communicate. If you told me 3 months ago we'd be where we are today, id never believe you. I feel so so thankful to the late Andy Cutler and to all of you who have answered my countless questions and giving me the kick in the butt I needed to begin this. The first round and first day Jackson, a child diagnosed with autism that who normally ignores me, looked up from playing his game in the car and said god bless you mommy. Words I never thought I'd hear. That day his summer school teacher said he sat still for circle time for the first time. Round two he would causally walk into a room and say hi mommy or hi daddy or hi grandpa. Round three of still just ALA, I tucked him into bed and said I love you, usually I get no verbal response, but he wrapped his arms around me and sang the entire first verse of you are my sunshine, never letting go of me and never breaking his intense eye contact. My husband teared up and said this is working!!! He is helpful and attentive with his baby brother. Pages of gains! He's not recovered. We've just begun, have a long way to go. But today, hearing his teachers and therapists feedback, I feel nothing but hope, joy and elation.
- Melissa G., son 3.5 years old, 7 completed rounds
- Melissa G., son 3.5 years old, 7 completed rounds
Wanted to share an update!
We started round 11 tonight. 3.5 years old, 41 lbs, 6.25 mg ALA and 2.5 mg DMSA.
When we started, he was pretty non-verbal, around 20 words, just 1 word phrases. He was tippy toe walking, easily frustrated, short attention span, would only make closed mouth sounds while independently playing and at times was aggressive towards baby brother.
Fast forward 2.5 months, 100's of words (six word sentences!), no tippy toes, much more calm and engaged, and he is actually talking with words while independent playing. He is becoming more and more typical with every round! ACC was the best decision we ever made 💙
Baby Brother (23 months) started core 4 last week and will join us for his first round next week 😆
Other supplements we are using for those whom inquire: Core 4, Cod Liver Oil, GSE drops, CoQ10, TMG, D3/k2, 5-Mthf, B12, Licorice Root Extract, Reuteri Probiotics, Garden of Life Raw probiotics, And Milk Thistle.
- B.D. 2 sons: 3.5 yo, 12 rounds
We started round 11 tonight. 3.5 years old, 41 lbs, 6.25 mg ALA and 2.5 mg DMSA.
When we started, he was pretty non-verbal, around 20 words, just 1 word phrases. He was tippy toe walking, easily frustrated, short attention span, would only make closed mouth sounds while independently playing and at times was aggressive towards baby brother.
Fast forward 2.5 months, 100's of words (six word sentences!), no tippy toes, much more calm and engaged, and he is actually talking with words while independent playing. He is becoming more and more typical with every round! ACC was the best decision we ever made 💙
Baby Brother (23 months) started core 4 last week and will join us for his first round next week 😆
Other supplements we are using for those whom inquire: Core 4, Cod Liver Oil, GSE drops, CoQ10, TMG, D3/k2, 5-Mthf, B12, Licorice Root Extract, Reuteri Probiotics, Garden of Life Raw probiotics, And Milk Thistle.
- B.D. 2 sons: 3.5 yo, 12 rounds
I have been having a very emotional day today. I have found myself crying multiple times due to the changes ACC has made for our family. I am so grateful that we found this protocol. I am so thankful for a living and supporting spouse who is all in with me. I am very grateful for all of you and your support. We also have very supportive teachers and therapists of ACC. These past 5 months have been such a whirlwind but so worth it. I love my sweet little boys and am glad we can fight and win against autism.
What positive changes have you seen?
My oldest speech has exploded. They are both seeking friends, more so in my older son. They both have increased attention to tasks tenfold. They also show interest in toys and play a lot more. My 3 year old was not walking when a lot more we started, one week in he was walking all over the house. There are so many other little things, I can't list them all. It is amazing!
- Kirsten L., 2 sons, 3 and 6 years old and 5 months each of chelation
What positive changes have you seen?
My oldest speech has exploded. They are both seeking friends, more so in my older son. They both have increased attention to tasks tenfold. They also show interest in toys and play a lot more. My 3 year old was not walking when a lot more we started, one week in he was walking all over the house. There are so many other little things, I can't list them all. It is amazing!
- Kirsten L., 2 sons, 3 and 6 years old and 5 months each of chelation
This protocol has been a game changer for our daughter, her communication skills has improved a lot since we added ALA on round 4. She's becoming the sweet girl who was to become someday in my dreams. Still non verbal but very hopeful she will get to speak in the near future. Thank you Andy RIP.
- Virginia, daughter, age 7, (5 months or 17 rounds of chelation)
- Virginia, daughter, age 7, (5 months or 17 rounds of chelation)
To Andy, the person that saved my son, the person that saved me from depression. Thank you for everything!
Jan 2016- MM at 15 months, couldn't use left side of his body, extremely tactile sensitivity till he couldn't walk nor chew. He didn't respond to his name, no eye contacts. Head banging, screaming, OCD, opening and closing door. ATEC 69
July 2017 - MM at 33 months, ATEC 7, asked me at round 33 "please, can I have detox by myself" and took the acc [Andy Cutler Chelation] syringe and drank it all by himself. He is an expert in making up lyrics. He sang to the tune of Mary had a little lamb " MM is a poo poo boy" when he pooped and asked for us to change his diaper. Last night, he wanted to cook for his Mickey Mouse and that's what he did. And look at him now, no problem crossing midline, jump with both feet, can tolerate being blind folded. Pretended to be a crab to make his favorite girl laugh.
Sept 17 - 35 months old 36 rounds ALA only. I sent him to a holiday program for NT kids. It was a brand new environment for him with 4 kids and 4 teachers. MM was able to follow all instructions in both English and Chinese. He doesn't know Chinese but was able to observe what the other children are doing and said the Chinese word when teacher called his name. He was the first to do the obstacle course and he did it perfectly with the correct body maneuvering whereas the other children crashed their way through in a straight line.
He also opened his mouth when doctor wanted to check his tonsils and tolerated his eye check up ( previously we had to sedate him).
He fell into his crib when trying to climb in and I asked if he was ok, he replied " I am ok, don't worry"
...and yes, I know he will be ok. MM is no longer the fragile baby 18 months ago. It's time for me to let loose my protective behaviors and let him shine. Thank you Andy!
- Y.Y., son 35 months old, 36 rounds of chelation with ALA only
Jan 2016- MM at 15 months, couldn't use left side of his body, extremely tactile sensitivity till he couldn't walk nor chew. He didn't respond to his name, no eye contacts. Head banging, screaming, OCD, opening and closing door. ATEC 69
July 2017 - MM at 33 months, ATEC 7, asked me at round 33 "please, can I have detox by myself" and took the acc [Andy Cutler Chelation] syringe and drank it all by himself. He is an expert in making up lyrics. He sang to the tune of Mary had a little lamb " MM is a poo poo boy" when he pooped and asked for us to change his diaper. Last night, he wanted to cook for his Mickey Mouse and that's what he did. And look at him now, no problem crossing midline, jump with both feet, can tolerate being blind folded. Pretended to be a crab to make his favorite girl laugh.
Sept 17 - 35 months old 36 rounds ALA only. I sent him to a holiday program for NT kids. It was a brand new environment for him with 4 kids and 4 teachers. MM was able to follow all instructions in both English and Chinese. He doesn't know Chinese but was able to observe what the other children are doing and said the Chinese word when teacher called his name. He was the first to do the obstacle course and he did it perfectly with the correct body maneuvering whereas the other children crashed their way through in a straight line.
He also opened his mouth when doctor wanted to check his tonsils and tolerated his eye check up ( previously we had to sedate him).
He fell into his crib when trying to climb in and I asked if he was ok, he replied " I am ok, don't worry"
...and yes, I know he will be ok. MM is no longer the fragile baby 18 months ago. It's time for me to let loose my protective behaviors and let him shine. Thank you Andy!
- Y.Y., son 35 months old, 36 rounds of chelation with ALA only
My 17 month old has started looking at us appropriately..started playing with toys that are not a ball..started walking..and stopped head banging thanks to 7 rounds of chelation. We are so thankful and grateful to Andy Cutler and all moderators who are so helpful!
- Theresa, son, 17 months old (2 months or 7 rounds of chelation)
- Theresa, son, 17 months old (2 months or 7 rounds of chelation)
We started ACC for my non verbal almost 5 year old son with autism in February of 2017 after being directed to Fight Autism and Win because of our inability to get a breakthrough in speeh. We opted for the hair metals test through holistic heal and he met a counting rule of an all low test. Hopes were high, but like most everything else we've tried, we were cautiously optimistic.
26 hours into the first round (ALA only) we had our first little breakthrough! Just 26 hours! He took my meal bar and ate the whole thing and asked for another one. This is a child who wouldn't touch a new food with a 10 foot pole. He then went into his room and hopped on his rocking horse and started rocking on it. He hadn't used his rocking horse in 5 years of having it in his room. Our jaws dropped. We knew this would be it for him.
Fast forward 20 rounds and I have recorded 6 pages of gains. He has continued to try new foods, he wants to play with us non stop and he had actually ran and tackled me screaming MAMA on his second round. He is showing he is sorry for being naughty. He is making phenomenal eye contact and is now able to track and follow points. He started putting on his own coat and backpack and getting his own food in the kitchen. He is sleeping better. He is sitting for longer at school and actually was able to sit for an entire hour long play with his class. This was unheard of pre ACC. He can catch a ball, or other fallen items. He is kissing his sister on his own. We've noticed dancing and new facial expressions that we've never seen him make before. He is staying by us in public. This is something we've struggled with his whole life and it just HAPPENED.
After years of trying to teach him in therapy, his awareness has increased so much with ACC that he is able to stay by us simply because he knows that is what he's supposed to do. He no longer spends every second he is outsite darting off to the street. He is following verbal directions from across the house. He can get out of the bath and go to his room and grab his own pajamas out of his closet. He let me count his teeth and let's me put hats on his head and I can put my fingers through his hair for the first time. He laughs when we laugh. He's helping around the house. He helps to feed the dog and to prepare his food and clean up. He's coloring for longer than 2 seconds. He is responding to his name at almost 100%. He is smelling flowers outside. He is letting me cut his nails again. I was having to cut his nails while he was asleep so this has been huge for us. He is greeting friends and family with hugs and kisses. He played with his cousin for the first time. Just yesterday, I was sobbing because he was sitting on the couch with his arm around his sister. This happened right after getting home from the park, where he was navigating the entire playground. He was unable to do so last time we went.
I went into this hoping for speech. Speech is still a slow crawl for us, but he has said the following words in the last 20 weeks: mama, jump, no, mom, hair, tickle, cookie, Max, yes, milk, yellow, blue, grey, down, ball, again, more, love you, all done, go, sugar, wow, black, red (can you tell he loves colors?), hug, moo, rawr, one, bye, pizza, water and more. Some of these have been only once, many of them have been more than once and several have been consistent. This is nothing short of amazing for a boy who had maybe 1 or two inconsistent words pre ACC.
Our story is not finished. The final chapter is not yet written. ACC has been the best intervention for our son and seems to be literally waking him up and turning him on like we never thought possible. The things I mention in this testimony are things he was NOT doing before ACC despite our best efforts. We thank God for Andrew and ACC every night and I trust these people with his life. I look forward to sharing more updates with you all. I hope that soon, my son will be able to thank you himself.
- Jamie S., son, age 5, (20 rounds or 5 months of chelation)
26 hours into the first round (ALA only) we had our first little breakthrough! Just 26 hours! He took my meal bar and ate the whole thing and asked for another one. This is a child who wouldn't touch a new food with a 10 foot pole. He then went into his room and hopped on his rocking horse and started rocking on it. He hadn't used his rocking horse in 5 years of having it in his room. Our jaws dropped. We knew this would be it for him.
Fast forward 20 rounds and I have recorded 6 pages of gains. He has continued to try new foods, he wants to play with us non stop and he had actually ran and tackled me screaming MAMA on his second round. He is showing he is sorry for being naughty. He is making phenomenal eye contact and is now able to track and follow points. He started putting on his own coat and backpack and getting his own food in the kitchen. He is sleeping better. He is sitting for longer at school and actually was able to sit for an entire hour long play with his class. This was unheard of pre ACC. He can catch a ball, or other fallen items. He is kissing his sister on his own. We've noticed dancing and new facial expressions that we've never seen him make before. He is staying by us in public. This is something we've struggled with his whole life and it just HAPPENED.
After years of trying to teach him in therapy, his awareness has increased so much with ACC that he is able to stay by us simply because he knows that is what he's supposed to do. He no longer spends every second he is outsite darting off to the street. He is following verbal directions from across the house. He can get out of the bath and go to his room and grab his own pajamas out of his closet. He let me count his teeth and let's me put hats on his head and I can put my fingers through his hair for the first time. He laughs when we laugh. He's helping around the house. He helps to feed the dog and to prepare his food and clean up. He's coloring for longer than 2 seconds. He is responding to his name at almost 100%. He is smelling flowers outside. He is letting me cut his nails again. I was having to cut his nails while he was asleep so this has been huge for us. He is greeting friends and family with hugs and kisses. He played with his cousin for the first time. Just yesterday, I was sobbing because he was sitting on the couch with his arm around his sister. This happened right after getting home from the park, where he was navigating the entire playground. He was unable to do so last time we went.
I went into this hoping for speech. Speech is still a slow crawl for us, but he has said the following words in the last 20 weeks: mama, jump, no, mom, hair, tickle, cookie, Max, yes, milk, yellow, blue, grey, down, ball, again, more, love you, all done, go, sugar, wow, black, red (can you tell he loves colors?), hug, moo, rawr, one, bye, pizza, water and more. Some of these have been only once, many of them have been more than once and several have been consistent. This is nothing short of amazing for a boy who had maybe 1 or two inconsistent words pre ACC.
Our story is not finished. The final chapter is not yet written. ACC has been the best intervention for our son and seems to be literally waking him up and turning him on like we never thought possible. The things I mention in this testimony are things he was NOT doing before ACC despite our best efforts. We thank God for Andrew and ACC every night and I trust these people with his life. I look forward to sharing more updates with you all. I hope that soon, my son will be able to thank you himself.
- Jamie S., son, age 5, (20 rounds or 5 months of chelation)
I do ACC [Andrew Cutler Chelation] to my 2 ASD children. My eldest son is 7 years old and has responded to ALA from the 1st round with notable gains in communication, eye contact and a frustration intolerance almost stabilized in the 5th round! The school notices more attention and fewer behavioral problems than 3 weeks ago! For my 6-year-old daughter who did 6 rounds, adrenal fatigue exploded as early as the 2nd round and prevented the winnings. With a large dose of ACE, she has finally had gains in communication (expressive and above all receptive), imitation and happiness are really felt. This is just the beginning, I can't wait to see what ACC will still bring us.
- FRANCE13, son and daughter, 6 and 7 years old
- FRANCE13, son and daughter, 6 and 7 years old
(Wanted to share some good news! Yesterday my Aspergers daughter engaged in a prolonged conversation in the car with two NT [neuro typical] 13 year olds - for the first time, content, engagement and delivery was exactly right for the whole conversation, and she wasn't left out of the chatting at all. She sounded totally NT !!!
- K.A., daughter, 13 years old, 50 rounds
- K.A., daughter, 13 years old, 50 rounds
We have been doing AC for over five years now. the results have been miraculous. the only regression residual form IV - stimming had gone away, but with IV chelation it came back and still has not dissipated. he still verbally stims and will sometimes flick his fingers, as well. all that had disappeared with biomed and diet, but came back after doing IV. the OCD also came back with IV, but since doing AC, the OCD is gone again. but he has made SO many gains with AC. Reciprocal speech emerged and gets better all the time, though he is till 4-5 years verbally delayed. In intellect is thank God intact. he struggles only with reading comprehension skills but excels in math, spelling, language arts and even Latin. he is learning to drive! He was moderate-severe/non-verbal at vaccine injury onset but is now high functioning and very verbal. He is a great kid - he is my joy. The BEST thing (and there are many good things) but we had almost given up on improving his immune function. he had been chronically sick for nine years. He had a serious infection (or more than one) every two weeks for nine long years: strep, staph, cellulitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, meningitis, Scarlet Fever, Scarlitina. His body couldn't even fight the bacteria from an insect bite! After AC, his infection rate dropped dramatically with only one bout of bacterial meningitis with pneumonia in 2013. This year has been the best. he has not had a SINGLE infection! I think AC is healing his immune system! And he continues to make progress in other ares across the board. so we will keep going as long as we can.
Additional information:
My son just turned seventeen. We did not begin AC Protocol until he was eleven years old. Biomed and diet along with therapies prior brought SLOW progress, but did nothing to help his immune function. AC Protocol plus adding adrenal cortex extract brought MIRACULOUS results and has been the ONLY thing to improve immune function. Within two months of starting the protocol, we were able to wean him off steroids. He only needed them when he had breakthrough infections, but that was less and less each year. His "asthma" dissipated.
This year will be his first year since vaccine injury that he has not been sick at all. This child the mainstream told me could never make progress, never talk again, never be potty trained or learn, has made phenomenal progress and will later go to college. He is now starting to learn to DRIVE!
He has gone form moderate-severe/non-verbal to high functioning and very verbal (though still delayed emotionally, socially and verbally) Most of his progress happened AFTER starting the AC Protocol and adding adrenal cortex extract.
- Haven D., son, 17 years old, started chelation when he was 11. Five years of chelation
Additional information:
My son just turned seventeen. We did not begin AC Protocol until he was eleven years old. Biomed and diet along with therapies prior brought SLOW progress, but did nothing to help his immune function. AC Protocol plus adding adrenal cortex extract brought MIRACULOUS results and has been the ONLY thing to improve immune function. Within two months of starting the protocol, we were able to wean him off steroids. He only needed them when he had breakthrough infections, but that was less and less each year. His "asthma" dissipated.
This year will be his first year since vaccine injury that he has not been sick at all. This child the mainstream told me could never make progress, never talk again, never be potty trained or learn, has made phenomenal progress and will later go to college. He is now starting to learn to DRIVE!
He has gone form moderate-severe/non-verbal to high functioning and very verbal (though still delayed emotionally, socially and verbally) Most of his progress happened AFTER starting the AC Protocol and adding adrenal cortex extract.
- Haven D., son, 17 years old, started chelation when he was 11. Five years of chelation
My son recovered via an Andy Cutler chelation group and Andy Cutler. I am ever grateful. He was diagnosed PDD - mild autism. No eye contact no language no shared attention, repetitive behaviors/stims, wild tantrums, he was a "runner" if I didn't hold his hand he'd be across the street in traffic at the blink of an eye. In addition to AC chelation we also gave vitamins and enzymes and followed the gfcf [gluten free casein free] diet. And lastly did many rounds of HBOT.
- Asli S. son, 17 years old, 3 to 4 years of chelation starting when he was 3 years old.
- Asli S. son, 17 years old, 3 to 4 years of chelation starting when he was 3 years old.
My son regressed around age 16 months. By 18 months old he was in his own world and had lost whatever language he had. He stared vacantly at the ceiling fan, was plagued by bowel/gut issues, eczema, allergies. It was devastating to see my baby slip away from me and to see him suffering daily both physically and mentally. A few years later we would learn that he was even suffering from subclinical seizures.
He started receiving multiple therapy services by 19 months old. An evaluation at that time told us he was operating at a 6 month old level. We were offered very little hope at the time beyond therapy. He presented as a severe case of asd [Autism Spectrum Disorder]. While waiting the many months to get in to see a specialist at the time to get a formal diagnosis and confirm what Early Intervention therapists suspected, I discovered the gfcf diet. Over a period of months we implemented that and saw vast improvement. I did a lot of reading about asd being an actual physical illness with a real physical cause - heavy medical toxicity. We tried various supplements and dietary interventions over the course of a year or more, most of which helped somewhat, but it was like putting out fires really without getting at the root cause.
There was a barrage of information out there - as to how to reverse the root cause. But which way was the right one to choose? Which one was the safe biomedical choice? Thankfully another mom whom I met at the time, gave me a yellow soft bound book and said - here read this book by a Phd scientist Andrew Cutler called Amalgam Illness, she said this is the only rational, safe detox protocol out there. I read the book and it was very scientific and very rationally laid out. It resonated and made so much sense and explained to us what had happened to our child. A hair test confirmed that he was indeed highly toxic. Almost from day one, from the first round the changes were profound. It was a low and slow process, but safe, and there was no denying it was working.
Over the course of the 7 and some years of the process language returned, seizures went away, the gut started to improve, allergies both environmental and food started to improve and disappear. Bowels normalized, brain fog disappeared. Fear and anxiety and sensory issues improved vastly. Skills we thought were gone forever started to return. There was social interaction, pretend play. A young man of great sensitivity and intelligence emerged, who was able to be mainstreamed in school, with support, who now participates in martial arts, plays the drums and guitar, who is a computer whiz, who talks of going to college and studying math and computers. He is well loved amongst all his peers, both typical and asd. He has not lost his diagnosis yet, but we have gone from a place of profound and seemingly hopeless impairment, to a place of great and high functioning, with hope for a bright and independent future.
Our son still marches a bit to his own drummer here and there, and has some more ground to cover before reaching total recovery, but every day another chapter in the story of the march to recovery is written thanks to Andy Cutler. Our son never ceases to amaze us with the depth of his intelligence and sensitivity. Without Andy Cutler and his protocol none of this would ever have been possible. It is very low and slow and can be done without much fanfare right in your own home. And it works, plain and simple. We and scores of other parents have seen improvement and recovery happening all across the country right before their own eyes. I can never thank Andy enough for all that he has made possible for our son. In my view, there is a special place in heaven for Andy Cutler. He developed his protocol and used it to help himself recover from heavy metal toxicity, but he didn't stop there. He selflessly reached out to the asd community to share his knowledge so that his protocol could be used to help countless numbers of children. There may be other therapies and supplements that you may want or need to use to help your child along the way, but at the end of the day without the Cutler Protocol no lasting improvement can take place.
- I.W., son age 11, 7.5 years 325 rounds of chelation
He started receiving multiple therapy services by 19 months old. An evaluation at that time told us he was operating at a 6 month old level. We were offered very little hope at the time beyond therapy. He presented as a severe case of asd [Autism Spectrum Disorder]. While waiting the many months to get in to see a specialist at the time to get a formal diagnosis and confirm what Early Intervention therapists suspected, I discovered the gfcf diet. Over a period of months we implemented that and saw vast improvement. I did a lot of reading about asd being an actual physical illness with a real physical cause - heavy medical toxicity. We tried various supplements and dietary interventions over the course of a year or more, most of which helped somewhat, but it was like putting out fires really without getting at the root cause.
There was a barrage of information out there - as to how to reverse the root cause. But which way was the right one to choose? Which one was the safe biomedical choice? Thankfully another mom whom I met at the time, gave me a yellow soft bound book and said - here read this book by a Phd scientist Andrew Cutler called Amalgam Illness, she said this is the only rational, safe detox protocol out there. I read the book and it was very scientific and very rationally laid out. It resonated and made so much sense and explained to us what had happened to our child. A hair test confirmed that he was indeed highly toxic. Almost from day one, from the first round the changes were profound. It was a low and slow process, but safe, and there was no denying it was working.
Over the course of the 7 and some years of the process language returned, seizures went away, the gut started to improve, allergies both environmental and food started to improve and disappear. Bowels normalized, brain fog disappeared. Fear and anxiety and sensory issues improved vastly. Skills we thought were gone forever started to return. There was social interaction, pretend play. A young man of great sensitivity and intelligence emerged, who was able to be mainstreamed in school, with support, who now participates in martial arts, plays the drums and guitar, who is a computer whiz, who talks of going to college and studying math and computers. He is well loved amongst all his peers, both typical and asd. He has not lost his diagnosis yet, but we have gone from a place of profound and seemingly hopeless impairment, to a place of great and high functioning, with hope for a bright and independent future.
Our son still marches a bit to his own drummer here and there, and has some more ground to cover before reaching total recovery, but every day another chapter in the story of the march to recovery is written thanks to Andy Cutler. Our son never ceases to amaze us with the depth of his intelligence and sensitivity. Without Andy Cutler and his protocol none of this would ever have been possible. It is very low and slow and can be done without much fanfare right in your own home. And it works, plain and simple. We and scores of other parents have seen improvement and recovery happening all across the country right before their own eyes. I can never thank Andy enough for all that he has made possible for our son. In my view, there is a special place in heaven for Andy Cutler. He developed his protocol and used it to help himself recover from heavy metal toxicity, but he didn't stop there. He selflessly reached out to the asd community to share his knowledge so that his protocol could be used to help countless numbers of children. There may be other therapies and supplements that you may want or need to use to help your child along the way, but at the end of the day without the Cutler Protocol no lasting improvement can take place.
- I.W., son age 11, 7.5 years 325 rounds of chelation
Well, we met with my sons neurologist today. No signs of any seizures, which we knew already. And he is officially changing his diagnosis. Last year it was: mild to moderate autism with a severe speech impairment. His new diagnosis is: social communication impairment. It'll be a year of chelation on October 6th [2016]. And he didn't meet enough criteria to have the ASD diagnosis anymore. He's performing as a neuro typical (though totally dorky) 3/4 year old who just needs the push in social communication. Prior to ACC, he was non-verbal. He had a few words, but it was mostly humming and grunting. Now he uses his words to communicate. The words started to appear after just the first round.
- Anonymous, son 3 years old, 1 year of chelation (43 rounds)
Update, after 56 rounds:
I am in tears of joy! We've been doing ACC for over a year now. Before my sons vaccine injury, he didn't have any issues getting his hair cut. They started right after. I would avoid cutting his hair as long as possible. We'd have to physically hold him down. I tried doing it at home. Anything to keep him as comfortable as possible. And we had nothing but sheer terror and a huge fight every time.
Well, we went in today. There were some tears initially. Saying he wanted to go home. He got to turn on his favorite cartoon and was told he'd get a balloon after. He was mostly a calm kid. And I know kids with autism routinely hate the shaver. He didn't even fight it.
He was non verbal after his shot. Lost all his speech. What came back was maybe 15 words. Super hard to understand. He's still got a pretty hefty speech delay. But he's come a long long long way. He doesn't shut up anymore. I couldn't be more proud. 😍 this is what healing looks like. -Anoymous, son age 3, 56 rounds
- Anonymous, son 3 years old, 1 year of chelation (43 rounds)
Update, after 56 rounds:
I am in tears of joy! We've been doing ACC for over a year now. Before my sons vaccine injury, he didn't have any issues getting his hair cut. They started right after. I would avoid cutting his hair as long as possible. We'd have to physically hold him down. I tried doing it at home. Anything to keep him as comfortable as possible. And we had nothing but sheer terror and a huge fight every time.
Well, we went in today. There were some tears initially. Saying he wanted to go home. He got to turn on his favorite cartoon and was told he'd get a balloon after. He was mostly a calm kid. And I know kids with autism routinely hate the shaver. He didn't even fight it.
He was non verbal after his shot. Lost all his speech. What came back was maybe 15 words. Super hard to understand. He's still got a pretty hefty speech delay. But he's come a long long long way. He doesn't shut up anymore. I couldn't be more proud. 😍 this is what healing looks like. -Anoymous, son age 3, 56 rounds
We did not meet counting rules and have seen tremendous changes in 5 rounds.
The first one was, he's had to be sedated for the last 3 years during storms because he would lose his mind bc of fear. After the first round, we had a storm (we live in Oklahoma and have tornados), no sedation, calmly asked if we were ok and went to his room to watch TV. Then we had a rainbow, it was still thundering outside and he walked outside with a smile on his face and let me take a picture.
The second round he read his first chapter book in 3 days. He turned 10 today and reading has been a constant battle. He's read several more so far.
We have a pool and he had a horrible fear of getting water in his ears and getting infections. After 4th round, he swims under water, head completely submerged, no fear whatsoever.
It's quite amazing! I'm mad that I waited so long to give it a try.
- Bonnie H., son age 10, 6 rounds
The first one was, he's had to be sedated for the last 3 years during storms because he would lose his mind bc of fear. After the first round, we had a storm (we live in Oklahoma and have tornados), no sedation, calmly asked if we were ok and went to his room to watch TV. Then we had a rainbow, it was still thundering outside and he walked outside with a smile on his face and let me take a picture.
The second round he read his first chapter book in 3 days. He turned 10 today and reading has been a constant battle. He's read several more so far.
We have a pool and he had a horrible fear of getting water in his ears and getting infections. After 4th round, he swims under water, head completely submerged, no fear whatsoever.
It's quite amazing! I'm mad that I waited so long to give it a try.
- Bonnie H., son age 10, 6 rounds
A wee story of hope. This time last year I just had my amalgams removed and I was helping my overly emotional/anxious daughter cope through her A- level exams. She saw how different I was and agreed to have her sole amalgam removed too. She was very anxious and troubled a year ago. She never thought she would get the marks to get to university. When she did, we never thought she would cope living over 400 miles away. She did very well until dump started, so we relocated to help her through. Fast forward a year. I am lying in bed listening her sing her heart out while she is getting ready to go out and celebrate her impressive exam results . During the whole exam period there were no panic attacks. A first since the age of high school entrance exams. God bless ACC. Thank you!
- Gee Cee, daughter, 19 years old (10 months of 10mg DMPS)
- Gee Cee, daughter, 19 years old (10 months of 10mg DMPS)
When my son was 18 months I started noticing that he was different from other kids. We made several appointments with his pediatrician to express our concerns and were always told he was just a little different. We had him evaluated for speech therapy and he didn't qualify despite only having 4 words at the time. We took the M-CHAT (he scored a 4) and several other evaluations but his pediatrician just brushed everything off.
In February of this year I met a woman who told me about biomedical treatment. We immediately started a Paleo diet and within weeks I learned about ACC. We started our first round in March of this year. A coupe of weeks after changing my son's diet my mom came to visit us. I was just learning about chelation at the time and starting my son on the essential 4 supplements. We had yet another appointment with our pediatrician while my mom was visiting and I had a long list of concerns. My mom made the comment that my son was "never happy". He wasn't. My son woke up every morning with a tantrum. He whined and cried all day long. He was spacy and impossible to connect with. He didn't understand basic instructions. He didn't interact with his little brother or almost anyone. He had trouble with fine motor skills and could not hold a spoon to feed himself or use a crayon. He was not interested in toys. Our stress level was through the roof.
My mom was just here again for a week in April after just 4 rounds of chelation. My mom could not believe the changes in him. He is already a completely different child. From the moment she walked in the door my son was interacting with her, hugging her, playing with her. They were cuddling together, singing, dancing, holding hands and having so much fun. He told my mom that he loved her and she taught him some new songs. He and my mom got so much closer and enjoyed themselves so much. After our FIRST ROUND my son stopped waking up with tantrums and whining all day. It has been so long since we had a day like that that it seems like a distant memory. After our second round of chelation my son started taking interest in other children and we were able to have our first ever successful play date where he actually PLAYED with another kid and had fun. He laughed and enjoyed himself and didn't hide behind me the whole time. He is even approaching kids he doesn't know at the park! He is feeding himself with a spoon now, starting to write letters, numbers and shapes with crayons and chalk. He tries to initiate play with his baby brother now and actually pays attention to him. He is trying a lot of new foods on his own, without any prompting from us. He understands directions more now and his vocabulary is exploding! When we go on car rides he points to and comments on different things that he sees (horsies, swings). He has also learned to jump!
When I used to pick my son up from preschool he would be sitting alone in the corner, looking at the wall, completely spaced out and disconnected. When I pick him up now he is always participating in the songs that they are singing. He is dancing and laughing and standing in the middle of the room with the other kids. I took the M-CHAT again and his score went from a 4 to a 1! The test said that there is no concern for autism at the time! His ATEC score has gone from 77 all the way down to 24. He is never disconnected anymore. We see gains every single day due to chelation and I know that ACC will be my son's ticket to recovery. The changes we have seen after just 4 rounds have been nothing short of miraculous. We are so incredibly proud of him and so excited. When I first discovered biomed in February I was scared and confused. Things felt hopeless. We could not afford a MAPS doctor and there was so much information to absorb. I spent hours crying to my husband. I jumped into ACC as soon as I read the book and I put all of my eggs into this basket. I was worried about what I would do if it didn't work for us. I am not scared anymore. I know that my son has a bright future and we have only just begun this journey. Every day brings us new hope for recovery. ACC is so easy and inexpensive it almost feels too good to be true, but it is! I am so thankful that we found the FAW group, discovered this incredible protocol and got started right away. Every day my son gets a little bit better and I get to discover his amazing personality more and more. I will forever be grateful to Andrew Cutler and the other chelation veterans for helping me and my son.
- R. Williams, son age 35 months, (around 2 months of chelation)
In February of this year I met a woman who told me about biomedical treatment. We immediately started a Paleo diet and within weeks I learned about ACC. We started our first round in March of this year. A coupe of weeks after changing my son's diet my mom came to visit us. I was just learning about chelation at the time and starting my son on the essential 4 supplements. We had yet another appointment with our pediatrician while my mom was visiting and I had a long list of concerns. My mom made the comment that my son was "never happy". He wasn't. My son woke up every morning with a tantrum. He whined and cried all day long. He was spacy and impossible to connect with. He didn't understand basic instructions. He didn't interact with his little brother or almost anyone. He had trouble with fine motor skills and could not hold a spoon to feed himself or use a crayon. He was not interested in toys. Our stress level was through the roof.
My mom was just here again for a week in April after just 4 rounds of chelation. My mom could not believe the changes in him. He is already a completely different child. From the moment she walked in the door my son was interacting with her, hugging her, playing with her. They were cuddling together, singing, dancing, holding hands and having so much fun. He told my mom that he loved her and she taught him some new songs. He and my mom got so much closer and enjoyed themselves so much. After our FIRST ROUND my son stopped waking up with tantrums and whining all day. It has been so long since we had a day like that that it seems like a distant memory. After our second round of chelation my son started taking interest in other children and we were able to have our first ever successful play date where he actually PLAYED with another kid and had fun. He laughed and enjoyed himself and didn't hide behind me the whole time. He is even approaching kids he doesn't know at the park! He is feeding himself with a spoon now, starting to write letters, numbers and shapes with crayons and chalk. He tries to initiate play with his baby brother now and actually pays attention to him. He is trying a lot of new foods on his own, without any prompting from us. He understands directions more now and his vocabulary is exploding! When we go on car rides he points to and comments on different things that he sees (horsies, swings). He has also learned to jump!
When I used to pick my son up from preschool he would be sitting alone in the corner, looking at the wall, completely spaced out and disconnected. When I pick him up now he is always participating in the songs that they are singing. He is dancing and laughing and standing in the middle of the room with the other kids. I took the M-CHAT again and his score went from a 4 to a 1! The test said that there is no concern for autism at the time! His ATEC score has gone from 77 all the way down to 24. He is never disconnected anymore. We see gains every single day due to chelation and I know that ACC will be my son's ticket to recovery. The changes we have seen after just 4 rounds have been nothing short of miraculous. We are so incredibly proud of him and so excited. When I first discovered biomed in February I was scared and confused. Things felt hopeless. We could not afford a MAPS doctor and there was so much information to absorb. I spent hours crying to my husband. I jumped into ACC as soon as I read the book and I put all of my eggs into this basket. I was worried about what I would do if it didn't work for us. I am not scared anymore. I know that my son has a bright future and we have only just begun this journey. Every day brings us new hope for recovery. ACC is so easy and inexpensive it almost feels too good to be true, but it is! I am so thankful that we found the FAW group, discovered this incredible protocol and got started right away. Every day my son gets a little bit better and I get to discover his amazing personality more and more. I will forever be grateful to Andrew Cutler and the other chelation veterans for helping me and my son.
- R. Williams, son age 35 months, (around 2 months of chelation)
I wanted to share that my daughter is further developing and some of it might make you smile. It is quite amazing that after each round she shows such incredible results. Her intelligence is blossoming, Lego toys that once took 2 days to build are now finished in 2 hours. She's lying to me which I'm ecstatic about. Upon my saying you need to drink your juice she says, "Mummy I'm full" after only one sip. She's experimenting, having mastered being able to change her menstrual pad on period time. She has now decided to use pads instead of wiping her bottom. Her speech is coming along, even starting to be sarcastic and humorous (edit). …. I said, "No you have to wipe your bum", She says, "I like my bum mummy, no wipe"… The other day I was wiping her face and saying, "Wow look those little pimples are gone" to which she replied, "Yes mummy, they've gone shopping"…. These are complex 'conversations' for us and a mighty massive step from the beginning of 7 rounds ago where she would not converse at all… I'm guessing the brain fog is lifting. I feel blessed I've found ACC. It has been literally after each round she is waking up more and more. It's like a wave of difference and progress after each round. She's a great responder.
Every time we have a win I want to thank Andrew Hall Cutler giving my daughter her life back. This is only after 10 rounds. Sensory issues are gone. Previously my daughter couldn't enter an auditorium, couldn't tolerate light or sound, couldn't follow directions, didn't connect with what was going on around her, couldn't learn a song... wouldn't answer appropriately and didn't have functional language just echolalia.... ACC is the bomb!!! We are so grateful! This is after 10 rounds of 20mgALA with 20mgDMSA (plus essential 4 and loads of other nutrients, Gluten and Casein free mostly and juicing everyday) - we haven't done a round in 3 months and still getting improvements and development.
She got regressive autism after the MMR vaccine she was neurotypical before. The diagnosis was severe autism and moderate intellectual disability. That was later update to autism level 2 and moderate intellectual disability. I have had her on nutrient therapy, GFCF diet, pressed juices for some years. Then did 10 rounds of ACC 6 months ago which is where the breakthroughs came.
- L.F., daughter age 10
Every time we have a win I want to thank Andrew Hall Cutler giving my daughter her life back. This is only after 10 rounds. Sensory issues are gone. Previously my daughter couldn't enter an auditorium, couldn't tolerate light or sound, couldn't follow directions, didn't connect with what was going on around her, couldn't learn a song... wouldn't answer appropriately and didn't have functional language just echolalia.... ACC is the bomb!!! We are so grateful! This is after 10 rounds of 20mgALA with 20mgDMSA (plus essential 4 and loads of other nutrients, Gluten and Casein free mostly and juicing everyday) - we haven't done a round in 3 months and still getting improvements and development.
She got regressive autism after the MMR vaccine she was neurotypical before. The diagnosis was severe autism and moderate intellectual disability. That was later update to autism level 2 and moderate intellectual disability. I have had her on nutrient therapy, GFCF diet, pressed juices for some years. Then did 10 rounds of ACC 6 months ago which is where the breakthroughs came.
- L.F., daughter age 10
I know Andy can be a bit "rough" around the edges, but I'll never forget that he is the reason I KNOW who my child is.. before chelation I hadn't met him yet, but that nightmare has ended.. 👐 he went from being evaluated as 11 mo level at over 2years old with extreme aggression and no affection; to today, he kisses boo boo's, doesn't hit us, loves hugs (even INITIATES them) and his comprehension is AT AGE LEVEL. Andy has changed my life, and gave my baby boy a future, for that I am FOREVER grateful. 💛
- Rochelle, son, age 4 (2 years on and off)
- Rochelle, son, age 4 (2 years on and off)
Five rounds in ACC. Today during speech therapy, I was told by therapist that my son is not non- verbal anymore. His speech has started!!!! Way to go still, but its amazing.
- Dragana, son, 6 years old, 50 lbs, ALA 6.25 mg
- Dragana, son, 6 years old, 50 lbs, ALA 6.25 mg
My son's mother had a mouthful of dental amalgams while she was pregnant and had some dental work on 6 teeth. My son was born with heavy metal toxicity, and then had all vax's til age 2 1/2. His symptoms were: head banging, no eye contact, no speech, and eating issues. He was diagnosed at 2 yr 4 months with severe autism.
I then looked up and discovered on my own about metals and had his hair tested. Then I started supplements and AC chelation at 3 1/2 years old. I did 120 rounds, my wife is clueless and has a similar hair test. My family didn't think it was good to do this but I was committed when I saw almost immediate results. He was in special ed with Down syndrome kids etc. He progressed a great deal.
We went to see some top developmental pediatric doctors, who proved to be worthless at National Children's Hospital including (name removed) who is a legend in this field. My daughter was born 3 years later, then my son and we did not vax her at all. We moved back to Chicago and started seeing Dr. Usman who flat out told me that I saved my son's life by doing the AC chelation, that he is "very mild". His ATEC score about 20, from about 100. She prescribed MB12 shots which is why I went to see her, and after nearly 3 years of shots, he is literally indistinguishable from his peers. He now is 3rd grade, has had several girlfriends, who flock to him, he is very good looking :).
During the main chelation days I had his urine tested and he had 11 different metals coming out, test 2nd day of round first urine in the morning, we repeated this test much later and using same method the levels were re-markedly reduced [Note: those tests were NOT challenge test. It was collection of urine during and after chelation rounds].
I got him into cub scouts to see myself his interactions with kids and its been a great experience. I have given him about 25 different minerals vitamins and oils nearly everyday. I have tried to reach other local parents but most don't want to do it, and these kids I see don't improve. We did the 23andme test and he had the MTHFR +/- and Andy Cutler said to give extra folate.
My daughter now 6 was exposed to metals from breastfeeding for 1 year, and has had emotional issues, OCD. After starting AC method, I noticed improvement the first day. She would babble a lot, it was not understandable, but now speaks clearly. I think she has ADD/ADHD, but have done only 30 or so rounds. She is very social but can't concentrate well.
My son self taught himself PP 2013 and is posting his work on youtube and has 100+ views and 40 comments, he's an expert at Roblox. His teacher now thinks he's a savant because he can remember dates etc., from years ago. She said this after he fooled her by writing a soccer schedule and detailed info on soccer which he never played, and she taught 3rd grade 23 years.
- Peter, son, age 9 (120 rounds) and daughter, age 6 (30 rounds)
I then looked up and discovered on my own about metals and had his hair tested. Then I started supplements and AC chelation at 3 1/2 years old. I did 120 rounds, my wife is clueless and has a similar hair test. My family didn't think it was good to do this but I was committed when I saw almost immediate results. He was in special ed with Down syndrome kids etc. He progressed a great deal.
We went to see some top developmental pediatric doctors, who proved to be worthless at National Children's Hospital including (name removed) who is a legend in this field. My daughter was born 3 years later, then my son and we did not vax her at all. We moved back to Chicago and started seeing Dr. Usman who flat out told me that I saved my son's life by doing the AC chelation, that he is "very mild". His ATEC score about 20, from about 100. She prescribed MB12 shots which is why I went to see her, and after nearly 3 years of shots, he is literally indistinguishable from his peers. He now is 3rd grade, has had several girlfriends, who flock to him, he is very good looking :).
During the main chelation days I had his urine tested and he had 11 different metals coming out, test 2nd day of round first urine in the morning, we repeated this test much later and using same method the levels were re-markedly reduced [Note: those tests were NOT challenge test. It was collection of urine during and after chelation rounds].
I got him into cub scouts to see myself his interactions with kids and its been a great experience. I have given him about 25 different minerals vitamins and oils nearly everyday. I have tried to reach other local parents but most don't want to do it, and these kids I see don't improve. We did the 23andme test and he had the MTHFR +/- and Andy Cutler said to give extra folate.
My daughter now 6 was exposed to metals from breastfeeding for 1 year, and has had emotional issues, OCD. After starting AC method, I noticed improvement the first day. She would babble a lot, it was not understandable, but now speaks clearly. I think she has ADD/ADHD, but have done only 30 or so rounds. She is very social but can't concentrate well.
My son self taught himself PP 2013 and is posting his work on youtube and has 100+ views and 40 comments, he's an expert at Roblox. His teacher now thinks he's a savant because he can remember dates etc., from years ago. She said this after he fooled her by writing a soccer schedule and detailed info on soccer which he never played, and she taught 3rd grade 23 years.
- Peter, son, age 9 (120 rounds) and daughter, age 6 (30 rounds)
My son started with an ATEC of 130+ now he scores a big fat 0. The word recovered is subjective. Some consider any score under 10 recovered. Our goal with AC is much higher than that. We do not consider any child who still needs supplements or special diets or has any oddness to be recovered. By any other definition my son is fully recovered. No more diets, no more yeast, no more diagnosis, in regular classroom, no IEP (individual education plan). No more sensory issues, no tantrums, he listens, in our community when I tell people I have a child with ASD they guess it is my youngest not my middle boy because the youngest is spoiled and my ASD kiddo is so smart and witty they don't guess it is him. AC protocol is a chelation protocol, but there is more to it. There are other compatible things that Andy talks about and recommends in order to help with function while waiting for the metals to clear. We did these things, diet, supplements, yeast treatments, parasite cleanses. We did homeopathy for symptoms and a constitutional remedy a few times. We did not do any traditional therapies (did the parent education of RDI but did not implement the therapy), or any biomed that was not compatible or recommended by Andy (other than a year of horrible high dose oral chelation before we found cutler). With my ASD son we saw a positive effect from the first round. Of course with another son I couldn't tell if it was doing anything for more than 30 rounds, but his issue was mild attention and mood stuff which typically are longer to respond and hard to measure. The important part is that you stick to it and if you get discouraged come back and ask. During dump phase things slow down and it is easy to fall off and skip a round hear and there until you really aren't chelating at all. That is the surest way to not see full benefit. Keep going diligently so you can reap the reward!
- Tressie Taylor (son 200+ rounds)
- Tressie Taylor (son 200+ rounds)
I have been a part of the Autism biomedical community since 2002. I started chelating my then 5 year old son with oral DMSA. I added oral ALA, and completed maybe 120 rounds over 4 years. I hit the proverbial wall about 5 years ago, and let this all go. I am back. My now 14 yr old is doing well, but we have a few final hurdles to overcome. I'm looking forward to further recovery, and I'm assuming things haven't changed too much in the low/frequent dosing chelation community.
My son went from semi-verbal with low receptive language skills/anxiety with 1:1 aide in school to advanced expressive language, good receptive language, funny (sarcastic!), fully mainstreamed with minor accommodations (getting A/B and occasional C in 8th grade), and plenty of empathy. What is lagging are fine motor planning ( cutting with knife, tying shoes), friendships, working memory/Executive Functioning and trouble with understanding abstract thought. He has a few tics, so to speak, of jerking his hand out in front of him, rubbing on his foot or walking with a slight jerk to his leg. Not all of the time; mostly when trying to concentrate. Too skinny, also. 5'7" and 100 pounds, but eats enough that he should weigh more. Not GFCFSF [gluten-free, corn-free, soy-free], etc anymore.
Update Feb 2016 : he is 5 foot nine and 116 pounds LOL. He is fully aware that he was diagnosed as a child with autism. His response? "You must have been terrified". I think we need to work on acceptance in our society and maybe even in our own home.
He is a freshman in high school. Mainstreamed in the general curriculum with a plan for post-secondary education of some type! He earned a 3.33 GPA his first term. I have DMSA and ALA at home to finish chelation (we did 120 rounds which ended over 5 years ago) but I can't seem to find the time to get it done. I'd love to gain Executive Functioning skills. That would be the final hurdle in my opinion. He doesn't have friends, so that stinks. BUT I think he will live independently to some degree even if he stayed just how he is.
- Pam, son age 14 (around 120 rounds over 4 years)
My son went from semi-verbal with low receptive language skills/anxiety with 1:1 aide in school to advanced expressive language, good receptive language, funny (sarcastic!), fully mainstreamed with minor accommodations (getting A/B and occasional C in 8th grade), and plenty of empathy. What is lagging are fine motor planning ( cutting with knife, tying shoes), friendships, working memory/Executive Functioning and trouble with understanding abstract thought. He has a few tics, so to speak, of jerking his hand out in front of him, rubbing on his foot or walking with a slight jerk to his leg. Not all of the time; mostly when trying to concentrate. Too skinny, also. 5'7" and 100 pounds, but eats enough that he should weigh more. Not GFCFSF [gluten-free, corn-free, soy-free], etc anymore.
Update Feb 2016 : he is 5 foot nine and 116 pounds LOL. He is fully aware that he was diagnosed as a child with autism. His response? "You must have been terrified". I think we need to work on acceptance in our society and maybe even in our own home.
He is a freshman in high school. Mainstreamed in the general curriculum with a plan for post-secondary education of some type! He earned a 3.33 GPA his first term. I have DMSA and ALA at home to finish chelation (we did 120 rounds which ended over 5 years ago) but I can't seem to find the time to get it done. I'd love to gain Executive Functioning skills. That would be the final hurdle in my opinion. He doesn't have friends, so that stinks. BUT I think he will live independently to some degree even if he stayed just how he is.
- Pam, son age 14 (around 120 rounds over 4 years)
My son was diagnosed with moderate/severe autism a couple months before he hit age three. He did some early intervention therapy, and almost a whole school year at his developmental preschool with little change. In fact, he seemed to be getting even further behind his peers. When we first discovered ACC we were hopeful, but also very skeptical. We started his first round the day after school went out for the summer. Although (looking back at my notes) I was noticing changes within the first day even, I did brush it off at the time as coincidence, and figured I must be "reaching". Surely it couldn't be working THAT quickly. By his second round he started saying stuff he had never said before. This was also when I realized there might be something to this protocol :) Third round he started interacting with the neighbor kids like I had never seen, and he suddenly was using questions!!! "Want this" turned into "can I have this?". "why-queen" turned into "Lightning McQueen". By round 5 he suddenly developed an imagination out of nowhere. Previously he would sit and fixate on a toy for hours while rocking back and forth on the floor. He also would spin wheels and stare at the wheels turning and preferred to be alone. I heard him yell in the other room "moooooom!! Where are you?". That alone amazed me, but when I rounded the corner to see what he wanted I realized it was his toy mom and her toy kid was talking to her in his play. By round 11 he was playing WITH his sisters, not just next to them, and the "WH" questions started. "Where is daddy?", "What is that?". When I first discovered the hope of biomedical I was telling a friend I would be happy if I could just get him to a point where he could ask a question, and here I was 11weeks in, and my ultimate goal had already been met. We just finished round 28, so we are 6 months in. My son is a different kid. We can now go to restaurants, which is amazing considering 6 months ago my husband and I had agreed that was just probably not in the cards for us ever again since he would completely melt down with sensory overload. I don't have to pull over every 5 min to pull his pant legs back down because they were hitting higher than his ankle and that completely would freak him out. He's answering open ended questions now. It takes him some time to process, but I can ask him what he wants for Christmas and he will say "I want presents, mommy". He's making huge cognitive gains. Can follow directions. Sleeps! He used to wake at 3am and wander the house aimlessly every night. Now IF he wakes, it's typically to go to the bathroom, grab one of us to lay with him (which he wouldn't do before) and then falls right back asleep. His teachers are even commenting that he's excelling. Oh, and he tells me he loves me ❤️ I could go on and on. His expressive language is just a couple points outside of the average for his age now. If he were to be evaluated now I believe he would probably fall more into the high functioning category. We do still have years to go, but considering we are only 6 months in and have a brand new happy kid, I'd say we are on the road to recovery. Thank you a million times over again Andy Cutler.
Based on the pattern of how my son has been making gains, I assumed his social skills would be the last thing to catch up to his peers. But here we are, just finishing round 44 and my son has a best friend in preschool, whom he excitedly greets when he sees in the morning. This morning while I was dropping (my son) off he was initiating activities with his friend including running around in a circle together and sitting down with him at the table to show him different letters. He's also been building relationships with the neighbors and wants to see his friends. Not long ago he only wanted to hump the floor by himself and fixate on different objects!. Getting him to hang out with people was hard!
I know I was whining about dump phase the other day, but we really have so much to be grateful for and I truly believe the biggest gains are yet to come! For those getting over the initial detox hump, or battling yeast, or adrenal issues, or the dreaded dump phase. Just stick with it. Keep going. Write down every big or little gain and focus on that when you are having a bad round. Keep your eye on the prize! It's worth all the bumps along the way!
(My son) was diagnosed with moderate/ severe autism. He had steep communication and cognitive deficits. Also had sensory issues that were interfering with our whole families lives. He had an ATEC of 67 to start with. Now low 20's.
-Sarah, son age 4 years 11 months
Based on the pattern of how my son has been making gains, I assumed his social skills would be the last thing to catch up to his peers. But here we are, just finishing round 44 and my son has a best friend in preschool, whom he excitedly greets when he sees in the morning. This morning while I was dropping (my son) off he was initiating activities with his friend including running around in a circle together and sitting down with him at the table to show him different letters. He's also been building relationships with the neighbors and wants to see his friends. Not long ago he only wanted to hump the floor by himself and fixate on different objects!. Getting him to hang out with people was hard!
I know I was whining about dump phase the other day, but we really have so much to be grateful for and I truly believe the biggest gains are yet to come! For those getting over the initial detox hump, or battling yeast, or adrenal issues, or the dreaded dump phase. Just stick with it. Keep going. Write down every big or little gain and focus on that when you are having a bad round. Keep your eye on the prize! It's worth all the bumps along the way!
(My son) was diagnosed with moderate/ severe autism. He had steep communication and cognitive deficits. Also had sensory issues that were interfering with our whole families lives. He had an ATEC of 67 to start with. Now low 20's.
-Sarah, son age 4 years 11 months
We started ACC in May 2016 so we are still early on in the process. My son is very high functioning and his official diagnosis is PDD-NOS. At the age of 4 he was pretty much non verbal though with his greatest issue being in speech, communication and social skills. Along with ACC we have done other biomedical interventions such as special diets and different supplements. ACC has brought the biggest change in him so far. For me I have noticed subtle changes since he is very high functioning, but yesterday I had an IEP meeting for him at school. I am thrilled to say that the teachers have noticed changes too. According to them the biggest have been the last 3 weeks where they stated its like a switch has gone off in his head and he seems to be comprehending everything more and communicating better. His stimming has decreased significantly but there are some new behaviors that have come up that I have not seen in him before. Not ones that are necessarily bad, just a little strange like with word pronunciation. He is take pauses in the middle of words without realizing it. We are still early on in the process though, only on Round 14 so my plan is to keep going. Something is happening for the better in him and it gives me a lot of hope toward recovery. For anyone on the fence this is worth a try. There is nothing to lose. Good luck with your journey.
- Elizabeth, son age 11 (15 rounds)
- Elizabeth, son age 11 (15 rounds)
For those on the fence about this protocol, I wanted to share our story... My son is 6 and in managed recovery from ASD. He is very functional and in a mainstream kindergarten class, but he struggles with severe hyperactivity, low muscle tone, and an overall weak immune system. He is on a strict diet (no grains, no dairy, no soy, no sugar, no fruit) and yet still has bowel issues from time to time. The yeast has been uncontrollable. We started him on ACC a few months ago to try to gain permanent improvement in the yeast and to hopefully be able to relax his diet some as he gets older. I was terrified of the word "chelation" but after doing my research decided that this was a slow and relatively gentle way to help his body detox. We have just finished round 14. I have been surprised at how easy this process is, but more importantly, I am astounded that we are already seeing some positive changes. On round the yeast is noticeably higher, but in between rounds, my son is calmer and more alert than I've ever seen him. Even my husband (who tolerates these protocols but wasn't at all sure it would work) has been amazed. So my message to those who are thinking about this... it's not hard, it's actually very easy to maintain once you get the hang of it, it's gentle on the body, and thus far, I think it works.
- Christie, son age 6 (14 rounds)
- Christie, son age 6 (14 rounds)
Last year when my son was in 6th grade, he was a different person. This was before ACC. He was having frequent meltdowns and needed a lot of help with his school work. He was very unhappy and our family suffered from the stress. This year, after 9 months of ACC, he is much happier and doing well in school. The meltdowns have stopped. Homework is no longer a nightmare marathon. He is more resilient, handles transitions better, has better emotional regulation, and much less anger and frustration. His sensory sensitivities are diminished and now bright lights and loud sounds don't affect him like they used to. He asks more questions about social situations and is more self aware. He said that he doesn't "act weird anymore." He has better focus, attention and memory. He said school work is easier for him now. He also says he feels smarter because he doesn't need help with everything anymore. He is able to complete most of his school work himself and when I check it, most of it is correct. If he has to make revisions, he no longer puts up a fight about it. He has also stopped chewing on things and is less hyperactive. My son is 12 now and in mainstream 7th grade at a public middle school. He is doing well and making good grades. We still have more work ahead of us but he has come a long way in just 9 months on this protocol. My hope is for him to no longer need an IEP by the time he reaches high school. He is on a clean diet and taking some supplements but the real game changer has been ACC. My husband and I truly believe it works as we've seen it with our own eyes. We are so thankful for what Andrew Hall Cutler has made available to us. It has changed our lives.
Update November 2016:
I went to parent/teacher conferences last night and I was blown away by all the positive things my son’s teachers had to say about him. He is doing very well academically with all A’s except B’s in math and science. I was told that he is doing much better than average and that math and science are especially hard in 8th grade at his school. He attends a public middle school and takes regular classes. All of his teachers told me that he is a good student, participates well in class, is not disruptive and less loud that he has been in the past, less argumentative, more flexible, appears happy and has friends. Many of his teachers remarked about how smart and witty he is and how he always asks questions and wants to know “why”. He has a good work ethic and tries to get his work done in school (because he hates homework!). He may be behind socially in maturity but I was told that academically, he’s doing very well. There was one teacher that he didn’t get along with well at the beginning of the year, but they have worked things out and now he’s happy in her class. She told me she felt like they “turned a corner” and things are much better. This year is the first year that my son has taken P.E. and his teacher told me that although he struggles some with things like ball handling and has less stamina, she’s proud of him for trying hard and pushing himself. I’m proud of him for fitting into the P.E. class and not getting bullied. He has told me that when he gets pushed around because he’s not as good at sports as the other kids, he just jumps right back in because he’s “La Cucaracha” and he can’t be stopped! His band teacher bragged on him for being chosen for the regional honor band (trombone) and how great they sounded. Overall, it was a great evening for me since I got to listen to lots of praise for my son.
My son is now brighter, happier, more aware and lucid, and healthier. He is no longer chronically constipated. He lost his seasonal allergies (which had been confirmed by an allergist) completely! He very rarely gets sick anymore. He can handle eating some gluten once in awhile, but he still prefers gluten-free options. His sensory issues have diminished. I can’t remember the last time he had a meltdown. He’s “got his eye on” a girl at school and he has friends. We are still struggling some with yeast (which causes hyperactivity), but it’s better than it was before. We’ve come a long way in the past couple of years.
- V, son age 13 (91 rounds over 2 years)
Update November 2016:
I went to parent/teacher conferences last night and I was blown away by all the positive things my son’s teachers had to say about him. He is doing very well academically with all A’s except B’s in math and science. I was told that he is doing much better than average and that math and science are especially hard in 8th grade at his school. He attends a public middle school and takes regular classes. All of his teachers told me that he is a good student, participates well in class, is not disruptive and less loud that he has been in the past, less argumentative, more flexible, appears happy and has friends. Many of his teachers remarked about how smart and witty he is and how he always asks questions and wants to know “why”. He has a good work ethic and tries to get his work done in school (because he hates homework!). He may be behind socially in maturity but I was told that academically, he’s doing very well. There was one teacher that he didn’t get along with well at the beginning of the year, but they have worked things out and now he’s happy in her class. She told me she felt like they “turned a corner” and things are much better. This year is the first year that my son has taken P.E. and his teacher told me that although he struggles some with things like ball handling and has less stamina, she’s proud of him for trying hard and pushing himself. I’m proud of him for fitting into the P.E. class and not getting bullied. He has told me that when he gets pushed around because he’s not as good at sports as the other kids, he just jumps right back in because he’s “La Cucaracha” and he can’t be stopped! His band teacher bragged on him for being chosen for the regional honor band (trombone) and how great they sounded. Overall, it was a great evening for me since I got to listen to lots of praise for my son.
My son is now brighter, happier, more aware and lucid, and healthier. He is no longer chronically constipated. He lost his seasonal allergies (which had been confirmed by an allergist) completely! He very rarely gets sick anymore. He can handle eating some gluten once in awhile, but he still prefers gluten-free options. His sensory issues have diminished. I can’t remember the last time he had a meltdown. He’s “got his eye on” a girl at school and he has friends. We are still struggling some with yeast (which causes hyperactivity), but it’s better than it was before. We’ve come a long way in the past couple of years.
- V, son age 13 (91 rounds over 2 years)
My oldest used to fit the Asperger's diagnostic criteria listed by NIH. Narrow interests, not understanding social conventions. He also had gut problems. Hos hair test revealed arsenic was an issue on top of the known mercury exposures and lead exposures I already knew about. We're currently in the upper 120 rounds and he continues to get more social still. Tolerating younger brother antics with greater flexibility. Greatly improved impulse control improved compared to where he started. Gross and fine motor skills improved. Gut and immune system improving were early gains. Chronic sinusitis ended after a three day prednisone treatment to never return. Now when husband husband brothers and I get a cold and deal with it for 10 days he has a very mild cold for a max of 7 days.
Hyperacusis and other sensory issues and stigma have disappeared the kid that used to fear the noise generated by the vacuum now uses the machine per my request. He no longer tugs on clothes when excited (scared or happy or somewhere in between). We didn't pursue any other interventions. Started gf diet when he was 3 years old and were able to transition away from that early on during chelation. Found out by accident that he ate gluten and then didn't have any of his usual symptoms (tummy ache, diarrhea within a few hours and being off kilter emotionally for the next three days).
- Sandra, son age 11 (3.5 years)
Hyperacusis and other sensory issues and stigma have disappeared the kid that used to fear the noise generated by the vacuum now uses the machine per my request. He no longer tugs on clothes when excited (scared or happy or somewhere in between). We didn't pursue any other interventions. Started gf diet when he was 3 years old and were able to transition away from that early on during chelation. Found out by accident that he ate gluten and then didn't have any of his usual symptoms (tummy ache, diarrhea within a few hours and being off kilter emotionally for the next three days).
- Sandra, son age 11 (3.5 years)
My son regressed immediately following four vaccines at the age of fifteen months. He immediately lost speech and affect. He began having absence seizures, tremors, and nystagmus shortly thereafter, and he began to get sick ALL the time. He descended into "autism." He would verbally stim and finger flick, and look out the sides of his eyes. He didn't sleep. He would awake form sleeping and scream for two hours or more with gut pain. He developed severe constipation which resulted in mega colon. He had trouble digesting proteins. He was later diagnosed with "Heavy metal intoxication," immune disorder NOS, and a metabolic disorder NOS along with his gut problems. The immune problems were the worst. for the first nine years after regression he had at least one infection (sometimes more) with a fever #EVERY TWO WEEKS. Out lives revolved around sickness: ear infections, bronchitis, strep, staph, cellulitis, pneumonia, and meningitis.
During the first nine y ears we changed diet (gf/cf/sf and Feingold) and we added nutritional supplementation, and we did therapies, but NOTHING any doctor prescribed nor told us to do helped our child's immune function. He was diagnosed with asthma and was put on steroids and other drugs for that. It still was never well-controlled.
Over those years he made progress but it was slow. He did slowly regain functional speech - mostly receptive and expressive and very short, clipped an to the point - nothing elaborate. I feared reciprocal speech would never come It was reduced to "Yes" and "no.".
When he turned eleven, we decided to do the AC Protocol. We decided to use ALA only. The only other changes we made were giving supplements four times a day rather than two, and we added ACE.
I began to notice positive changes in him after the first two rounds. What really struck me was I noticed his "asthma" was better. I noticed that two weeks had gone by and he had not gotten an infection. Then three weeks went buy and on and on with no infection! It blew us away! He needed asthma meds less and less. Within two months (eight rounds) we were able to wean him off all steroids. He did not get an infection that first year until June! He went form having 50-100 infections a year to from 5-12!
In addition, reciprocal speech finally took off. His speech is still delayed, but we began having conversations.
We began home schooling, and his focus and attention had improved, so he took off academically, as well.
He had fewer melt downs, less anxiety,and his patience and coping skills improved. He was better able to regulate his emotions and became capable of stopping a melt down. This allowed him to come to his own decision that he could sleep alone in his own room at night by himself.
This protocol has vastly improved our child's quality of life and the hope for his future. He is catching up academically and has the hope and desire to go to college.
This protocol is the ONLY thing that ever improved his immune function, and we will do it for as long as we can until hopefully one day his immune system will be able to function on its own.
We were once told there was "no hope" for any of the things he has already achieved. This protocol brought our child back to us out of the abyss, so that we could truly get to know the essence of who he is, and it gave him the hope of a life without constant sickness. It has given him back the chance for an independent future and a life of his own.
- Haven, son age 15 (202 rounds)
During the first nine y ears we changed diet (gf/cf/sf and Feingold) and we added nutritional supplementation, and we did therapies, but NOTHING any doctor prescribed nor told us to do helped our child's immune function. He was diagnosed with asthma and was put on steroids and other drugs for that. It still was never well-controlled.
Over those years he made progress but it was slow. He did slowly regain functional speech - mostly receptive and expressive and very short, clipped an to the point - nothing elaborate. I feared reciprocal speech would never come It was reduced to "Yes" and "no.".
When he turned eleven, we decided to do the AC Protocol. We decided to use ALA only. The only other changes we made were giving supplements four times a day rather than two, and we added ACE.
I began to notice positive changes in him after the first two rounds. What really struck me was I noticed his "asthma" was better. I noticed that two weeks had gone by and he had not gotten an infection. Then three weeks went buy and on and on with no infection! It blew us away! He needed asthma meds less and less. Within two months (eight rounds) we were able to wean him off all steroids. He did not get an infection that first year until June! He went form having 50-100 infections a year to from 5-12!
In addition, reciprocal speech finally took off. His speech is still delayed, but we began having conversations.
We began home schooling, and his focus and attention had improved, so he took off academically, as well.
He had fewer melt downs, less anxiety,and his patience and coping skills improved. He was better able to regulate his emotions and became capable of stopping a melt down. This allowed him to come to his own decision that he could sleep alone in his own room at night by himself.
This protocol has vastly improved our child's quality of life and the hope for his future. He is catching up academically and has the hope and desire to go to college.
This protocol is the ONLY thing that ever improved his immune function, and we will do it for as long as we can until hopefully one day his immune system will be able to function on its own.
We were once told there was "no hope" for any of the things he has already achieved. This protocol brought our child back to us out of the abyss, so that we could truly get to know the essence of who he is, and it gave him the hope of a life without constant sickness. It has given him back the chance for an independent future and a life of his own.
- Haven, son age 15 (202 rounds)
My son has been chelating 4 years over 150 rounds. He had a few words when we started a lot of repetitive behaviors no eye contact no socialization, many fears phobias etc. diagnosis moderate Autism at 2 and a half. He started speaking in sentences and his second language on beginning chelation. He now goes to mainstream school, has no extra help, has friends, goes on play dates, he does have a some difficulty socializing but with time that is getting better. His speech is almost there just a few comprehension issues. Fears and phobias almost gone, just a fear of dogs remaining. I remember when we couldn't go out because of the fears and sensory issues as well as repetitive behaviors, those days are gone. Andy's protocol saved my son. I just wish my chelation was a bit easier.
- Alison, son age 7 (150 rounds)
- Alison, son age 7 (150 rounds)
The most amazing improvement that happened to my son since being diagnosis with autism is when we do this protocol. Potty training after his first round. Now he start to try speaking. He now says few words, four or five words but this is huge for us. He was completely silent before we started. Now he is more engaged and has better cognition and excellent receptive language. We have done around 25 rounds. Love this protocol! - Alaa, son (25 rounds)
October 2014 - my son, at 2 years 8 months, had an ATEC score of 97.
He did not have a lot of words to start with (he was able to say Mama before), but this time, he had NO words at all. He just grunted from his throat. He was sensitive to sounds. My husband said "He does not even know where he is, Rhea". That broke my heart so bad that I Googled out of desperation, "how to recover from Autism".
I never thought I would find anything remotely doable and believable. My younger brother is also moderately autistic and being a psych major, I was not taught about any biomedical approach.
I found a Facebook group that supported the low dose chelation protocol and reached out to another mom after we received our hair trace minerals analysis test. She advised that my son is a good candidate and to get a copy of the Fight Autism and Win book. I finished that book in 2 hours and ordered our ALA online the same day.
We started our first round on November 26th. He waved goodbye from the car for the very first time. It brought me to tears at the parking lot. The second round brought us more awareness and 2 words - "squeeze" for his pouch, and "pie" after watching Backyardigans.
More rounds, more gains. His tolerance to noise has improved. I am now able to cut his toenails without a fuss. His gag reflex has improved. He now knows his letters, shapes, and numbers. He plays appropriately with his toys. And we just finished the 13th round.
His ATEC score is now between 40 to 42. But beyond, the numbers, what makes me grateful everyday is having our son back. We are not completely recovered but I know in time we will be.
- Rhea, son age 3 (13 rounds)
He did not have a lot of words to start with (he was able to say Mama before), but this time, he had NO words at all. He just grunted from his throat. He was sensitive to sounds. My husband said "He does not even know where he is, Rhea". That broke my heart so bad that I Googled out of desperation, "how to recover from Autism".
I never thought I would find anything remotely doable and believable. My younger brother is also moderately autistic and being a psych major, I was not taught about any biomedical approach.
I found a Facebook group that supported the low dose chelation protocol and reached out to another mom after we received our hair trace minerals analysis test. She advised that my son is a good candidate and to get a copy of the Fight Autism and Win book. I finished that book in 2 hours and ordered our ALA online the same day.
We started our first round on November 26th. He waved goodbye from the car for the very first time. It brought me to tears at the parking lot. The second round brought us more awareness and 2 words - "squeeze" for his pouch, and "pie" after watching Backyardigans.
More rounds, more gains. His tolerance to noise has improved. I am now able to cut his toenails without a fuss. His gag reflex has improved. He now knows his letters, shapes, and numbers. He plays appropriately with his toys. And we just finished the 13th round.
His ATEC score is now between 40 to 42. But beyond, the numbers, what makes me grateful everyday is having our son back. We are not completely recovered but I know in time we will be.
- Rhea, son age 3 (13 rounds)
I just have to share that my 5 y/o son is thriving on this protocol. In just 28 rounds, he has gone from disconnected words and a few brief sentences, most of them scripted, to spontaneous functional language. Right now, he's watching a movie, laughing and making comments about every scene (I guess we should go to the movie theater so he can join the rest of the people talking to the screen ). Words can't start to describe our gratitude. It's like putting a reset button on autism.
- Michele, son age 5 (28 rounds)
- Michele, son age 5 (28 rounds)
Started AC 4 years ago. When he started he couldn't walk, talk, had asthma, allergies and a host of other typical "ASD" issues (including seizures) - along with terrible CBCs - neutropenia, eosinophilia liver issues. He just completed his first year at a mainstream school, where he did tremendously well socially, and academically - graduating at the top of his class. Yes, there are some residual issues, but I strongly believe this saved his life. We're around round 110 having gone more slowly because of systemic candida and multiple international moves.
- Nina, son age 7 (4 years)
- Nina, son age 7 (4 years)
We started with an ATEC score of 118 and a long list of symptoms like arm flapping, toe walking, odd language, and a list of developmental delays. I was told there was nothing we could do, but a toxic hair test motivated me to look further. I found Andy Cutler on a mercury group in 2006 when looking for answers on how to detox him safely. I dove into learning as much as I could and we started treating yeast, using supplements and chelating. We started at age 3 and got gains right away, so we continued. We did 210 rounds and most all of my son's original symptoms are gone. I wrote a post on my blog about his original symptoms. Today his ATEC is 2!
-Jan Martin
-Jan Martin